Google+ Everton FC Boss jon woods Exposed cheated with his business partner

Everton FC boss Jon Woods exposed

Jon Woods uses lawyers to silence critics and protect his reputation

The Kenny family tried to reason with Mr Woods and when that relationship broke down they reverted to the law but there wasn’t a lot the family – now in straightened circumstances - could do.
Nicholas took up the fight to seek justice for his late father and instructed his own solicitors.
Having spent £0000s the legal professionals concluded that he had been ‘royally screwed over’ and trying to overturn the legal agreement that Mrs Kenny had signed was virtually impossible and in any event would be very costly to pursue.
The law firm pointed out: ‘Unfortunately had you been able to get this into a court a judge would have took a very unsavoury view of Mr Woods’ behaviour’.
Nicholas even tried to use MPs and while he received a sympathetic audience – and an appreciation that he had a strong case – nothing was done in Parliament.
Mr Woods also uses his lawyers to close down criticism and frighten off the Kenny family.
Unfortunately for Mr Woods, Nicholas Kenny is made of sterner stuff.
Nicholas says: “I have tried everything to reason with this man, but you can’t negotiate with a man who sees somebody’s death as an opportunity to profit.  He thinks that he can effectively bully my family from what is rightfully ours. He knows it. We know it.
“There is little I can do in law but anyone who goes into business with Mr Woods should be aware of who they are dealing with. He doesn’t keep his agreements and is not, in my opinion, a man to be trusted.”
Nicholas added: “My poor father worked his socks off for Mr Woods and sincerely believed they were business partners and would enjoy the fruits of their efforts. Without my father, Mr Woods wouldn’t be sitting on such a valuable asset.
“I even sat in Mr Wood’s home in Cheshire and he told me to my face that the agreement with my father would be honoured.
“Those were empty words from a dishonourable and greedy man.”

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Exposed Everton Boss Jon Woods